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lc2install [2015/11/20 13:51]
twdorris [Basic LC-2 wire assignments]
lc2install [2024/03/15 11:16] (current)
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-Installation of the [[http://​​product_info.php?​cPath=28&​products_id=60|Innovate LC-2 wideband kit]] is pretty straight forward. The [[http://​​images/​forums/​lc1install/​LC-2_Manual.pdf|LC-2 Installation manual]] covers most of the basics for a general install. We do, however, have a few specific suggestions below.+Installation of the [[https://​​product_info.php?​cPath=28&​products_id=60|Innovate LC-2 wideband kit]] is pretty straight forward. The [[https://​​images/​forums/​lc1install/​LC-2_Manual.pdf|LC-2 Installation manual]] covers most of the basics for a general install. We do, however, have a few specific suggestions below.
lc2install.1448045504.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/11/20 13:51 by twdorris